Planning for All New Yorkers: The Atlas of Community-Based Plans: The Municipal Art Society Planning Center has created an interactive map, based in Google Earth. See the boundaries of community plans throughout NYC, and learn more about each with a click of the mouse!

Livable Neighborhoods for a Livable City In 2005, the Community-Based Planning Task Force detailed the specific, realistic steps New York City should take to improve the capacity of communities to make and implement plans that address their diverse needs.

The Livable City: This brochure dates from 2002, and provides a general overview about community-based planning in New York City, including history; the scope, scale, and sponsors of various plans; and common themes, issues, and opportunities.

The State of 197-a Planning in New York City: This 1998 report by the MAS Planning Center documents the difficulties inherent to 197-a planning, the official avenue for creating community-based plans in New York City.